New Zealand Gaming Conventions
Once upon a time I tried maintaining a convention calendar of NZ RPG conventions here. But it got about three years out of date. So instead of trying to do that, I'll instead give the quick overview and provide pointers on where to find out more.
- Battlecry: mid-February.
- AMERICA's Cup: June - Julyish
- Chimera: Mid August (LARP convention).
- From the Vault: September
More information: The AMERICA Club, Diatribe forum.
- KapCon: January (Wellington Anniversary weekend)
- Day of Games: May (Indie games)
- CONFusion: Early August
- Fright Night: Halloween-ish (Horror)
More information: NZRaG forum.
- Buckets of Dice: June-Julyish.
More information: SAGA.
- The First Weekend: March
- The Big Con: Julyish
- The Last Weekend: late in the year, before term ends
More information: OURS
Last updated: 25/07/2009.

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