Name: Black Powder
Chemical Name: N/A
Synonyms: gun powder, lifting powder
Contains: 75% potassium nitrate, 15% charcoal, 10% sulphur
Density: N/A
Synthesis: Click here


A relatively slow-burning powder used for "push" applications such as firing shells out of motors and used as a fuel to power the low power rocket motors A-C.

History - Black powder was the first type of explosive ever made. Its is believed that along time ago a chinese monk mixed together mixture of potassium nitrate, charcoal and sulfur in an attempt to make gold. Apon heating, instead of turning into gold, the mixture ignited and apprently created so much force that it blew the top of the chimney on his primitve house! Luckily, the monk was not seriously hurt, and lived to tell the story. They realised the great potential this mixture had, and the first time it was used was to scare away the evil spirits by filling the insides of bamboo shoots with black powder and then lighting them.