Kaboom! - Everything you ever wanted on pyrotechnics!
  Last Updated: 24/11/04  

24/11/04 - It's been quite a while since I've updated, been busy with other things. November 5th has come and gone, and currently I"m getting some movies of some fireworks I let of. Ummmm...well I've now added a new kind of salute, called a polumna. Check it out in the Salute section. I also added a few more definitions. Evilgecko signing off...
(PS - please tell me if there are any broken links, I've changed quite alot around lately and there's bound to be some dead links.) Signing off for real this time...

03/08/04 - Added a movie of a mortar loaded with a dowel being fired. It makes quite a bang considering it is charged with 4g of meal powder. Some new terms have been added to the pyro encyclopedia.

17/07/04 - Want to learn how to make your own cardboard tubes? Check out the tools and equipment section.

05/07/04 - Picture and movie gallery online. Adding pictures in the next few days. Theres a movie of a stick rocket in the movie gallery.

27/06/04 - Added some more words to the encyclopedia. Expect to see some rocket propellants online in the next week. I'm also trying to get a photo gallery with pictures and movies of pyro devices going off.

- New section added! Rocketry. Hope to see major updates to it in the few months. Very intresting, safe and rewarding hobby. Hopefully section will contain everything on how to build and fly your own rockets. A must for any pyro.

02/05/04 - Infromation on making Sodium Hypo-chlorate + Sugar bangs is now available in the "Composition Databse.

30/04/04 - Added information on how to make electronic fuses to ignite fireworks or explosives in the "How To?" section.

29/04/04 - Added recipe on how to make black powder in the "How To?" section.

27/04/04 - Kaboom logo made
Added section "How To?".

25/04/04 - Web site created



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